Saturday 26 April 2014

Meeting with the Young Lives Foundation

After communicating to Janine about the New Direction Programme (a programme part of the Young Lives Foundation), we decided that it was time our group met up with YLF, so that we could find out more about the charity as well as get an idea on what limitations we had.

We was able to meet up with Janine and Stephen (CEO of YLF) to discuss on what ideas we had for the documentary, etc.

One of the ideas we discussed about was filming a group of children from the New Directions Mentoring Programme doing an activity. We was able to agree with Stephen that as long we didn't show the identities of the children, that we would be able to film this.

There were a couple of condition Stephen had for the documentary, so we decided to create a 'Agreement Form', stating that Stephen gets to see the video during the editing process as well as the finished video, before it is published. Also including where the video will be published, i.e. personal blogs and youtube.

Janine gave us a booklet on the YLF, that we could keep, that included more information about the YLF as well as a copy of a DVD of one of the case studies being interviewed for the BBC Children in Need.

Overall the meeting was very successful as we was able to get our questions answered and queries sorted out. Janine and Stephen were very cooperative and were happy with the ideas we had for the documentary.

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