My role in this project will be to write and direct these films.
To find out more about my role I researched into writer-directors, particularly ones who touched upon the horror/dark fantasy genre.
Tim Burton
Burton is a director I have always admired. His style is original in the way that most people can be recognise his work. His films mainly touch upon the horror, gothic and fantasy genres, however also successfully pleasing the younger and older viewers. He has directed, produced and co-written many films. One film in particular that I looked at was, 'Frankenweenie.'
Frankenweenie (2012)
'Frankenweenie' was an original idea by Burton. It's a parody/adaptation to the Mary Shelley novel, 'Frankenstein' (1818). I wanted to look at this film in particular, because it was an adaptation and thought it would help me with ideas and inspiration for when it came to adapting the fable stories. This film is a more child friendly than the adaptation I want to create, however there are still dark themes shown throughout the film.
Guillermo del Toro
Del Toro is a new director that I have discovered. The films he has created have inspired me a lot for this particular project. His main genre is speculative fiction, which is a combination of horror, fantasy and science-fiction. The characters in his films is what I'm most infatuated with, they are creepy and have a supernatural/monster element to them. He has written and directed many films, however the films I decided to look at are 'Pan's Labyrinth' and 'Crimson Peak'.
Del Toro is mainly known for creating 'Pan's Labyrinth.' This film in particular has inspired me on what type of characters I want to have and is also partly the reason why I wanted to explore fantasy, as a genre. The use of make-up and costume is realistic and very well done, to the point that it would give the audience watching possible nightmares. The film was inspired by fairytales and many mythologies, which is something I would like to touch upon in at least one of the short films I create.
Crimson Peak (2015)
'Crimson Peak' is Del Toro's newest release. The film is an adult modern take on a gothic romance and ghost story. It is set in the Victorian Era, matching the gothic style. The style of the film was what attracted me the most as well as the use of colours. For example, the poster for the film (image on the right), is quite dark and gloomy, however the red from the dress, the white from the night gown and the yellow from the candles is what stands out most.
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