Monday, 16 February 2015

Professional Practice: Visiting PQA Rochester

I was lucky to get the opportunity to work with the Pauline Quirke Academy in Rochester for my commissions video and also do some work placement with them.

PQA have classes in Rochester every Saturday, and I was told that I would be helping them out for the rest of the term.

When I arrived, I was greeted by Verity, she went through with me on what I would be doing and how long I would be working with them for, etc.

For this placement I will be assisting the film and television classes alongside Hayley (who teaches this class), and will be helping the students mainly with the equipment when filming.

There are three main groups within the academy, which are the green group, blue group and red group. The green group are from 6-9 yrs old, blue group 10-12 yrs old and red group 13-18 yrs old.

Each of these groups rotate every hour to have a different lesson on either, film and television, comedy and drama or musical theatre.

As it was my first week I helped assist the groups with sound effects, for their films.

I really enjoyed helping out in the class; the children and the staff were friendly. I can't wait to help out for the next couple of weeks, and see what happens within the classes.

After the day was done, Verity agreed that I would be coming in every Saturday from 10am - 1pm, until the end of their term. She also said that as I will be working with children that I would have to take an online child protection course, as well as have a DBS check.

Verity has also given me a couple of weeks to write up my film concept for the anti-bullying video I am doing for the academy.

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