Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Studio Live Production: Day Before the Show

I can't believe its the day before our show, we have all our final VT's, credits, titles and indents on our timeline.

As only the seating arrived yesterday, the rest of the set was brought over in the morning. During the morning we was able to rig the lighting, sound, camera positions and where the audience will be placed. After lunch we was able to do one show run.

I feel ready for tomorrow, however i'm a bit nervous, as I will have to make sure the show runs to time.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Studio Live Production: Margate Shoot

Me, Sophie, Danny, Mike, Mark, Illy and Sam, went to Margate to shoot our Politics VT.

Our plan was to film Vox pops, get pieces to cameras and cutaways.

I assisted Sophie, the VT producer to find people who wouldn't mind answering whether they voted and why. We also made sure that whoever agreed signed a consent form before going on camera. Most of the day was successful, however there was one part that didn't go so well.

One of our last shoots of the day was to ask people on a pub, who they would rather buy a pint for out of Al Murray and Nigel Farrage. We found a pub/bar and got permission to film in there however, we had a problem finding people to answer on camera. We finally found two women who were happy to be filmed, however after filming they wanted to review the consent form and ended ripping them up.

It really shocked us as we thought we had a filmed part of the scene. After this incident the day was getting late and we decided to talk back to the Helen, the producer.

Helen understood what happened and said to go back there, however go to a different bar/pub.

The VT team decided to go back to Margate the following week, however I decided to stay behind to start editing the footage I already had from the first shoot.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Studio Live Production: Running Order and Script Examples

To understand what I will be looking at as a PA, I wanted to see what a running order looked like.
Here is an example of what a running order looks like:

Here is a script example, of a previous years script for their live show.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Professional Practice: Fairytale Research

After doing some research I decided to include, 'Alice in Wonderland', 'The Ugly Duckling' and 'Little Red Riding Hood' within my anti-bullying video.

I found that these three stories would work one after each other, to follow the 'victims' day at school.
For example, Lola, the victim would go to class, which would be the ugly duckling story, then it would be break, where we follow Little Red Riding Hood's story and then to lunch, to Alice in Wonderland's story.

The whole point of using fairytales, was to show the bullying, between the bully's and the victims from a fairytale characters point of view. So when the main character enters the scene she would be her modern character and then once the bullies enter the room/ start on her we would then see the main character as one of the fairytale leads.

Studio Live Production: VT Research

I wanted to look at some VT's that are on TV, as I wanted to look into how they are edited. I thought by looking into different VT's it will inspire me for when I come editing the live show VT's

This video is from a YouTube channel called 'The Fine Bros', they are two brothers who make reaction videos with kids, teens, elders and known YouTuber's. In this particular video teens are reacting to Nicki Minaj's music video, 'Anaconda.'

Here is another VT from the ITV show 'Take Me Out.'

In this clip, it shows a guy name Damian, who wants to get a date in the show. In the second round of getting a date, there is a video on Damian's friend telling the girls and audience something about Damian through a video.

Here is another VT from 'The One Show.'

The VT in this clip is from 5:27 - 7:52. In this VT, a reporter finds out why 'Frozen', the Disney film has become popular and how it is continuing the grow.

By watching these videos it has given me an idea on how VT's are edited. I am still going to continue to research for VT's, especially ones that are shown on television shows.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Studio Live Production: Book Research

I've recently been to the library and have found a couple of books that have some information on my jobs roles.

PA Role

'Television Production by Jim Owen and Gerald Millerson'

There was a particular section in this book on page 360-361, where there was in interview with Fiona Catherwood, on her role as script supervisor/PA. This interview was interesting to read as it gave an overview of what she does as well as advice on her role.

'Producing for TV and video by Cathrine Kellison'

Editor Role

'The focal easy guide to: Final cut pro X by Rick Young'

'Final Cut Pro X: Second Edition by Diana Weynand'

'Film and Video editing by Roger Crittenden'

I have found these books quite useful so far, as I have learnt more about my job role as a PA and what I would need to remember when editing, as a VT editor.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Studio Live Production: Production Assistant Research

Researching into the role of a production assistant was hard to do as there weren't much information available for this role.

I went onto the BBC academy website to see if there were any helpful videos, particularly about my role in live television.

I came across a video called, 'Guide to a TV Studio' where floor manager, Ed Sharpe gives a tour on the TV set of 'Sam and Mark's Big Friday Wind Up.' When describing who worked in the gallery he explained the role of a script supervisor, he said 'a script supervisor is someone who makes sure the show is kept to time'. This was exactly my role is in the live show.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/academy/production/article/art20130702112135564 - Guide to a TV studio video.

I then started researching into the role of a script supervisor and found a lot more information. I even found another video on the BBC academy website called, 'Profile: Script Supervisor, TV.' This video follows Sally Danton, who is a script supervisor for the TV show, 'The One Show.'

http://www.bbc.co.uk/academy/production/article/art20130702112136044 - Profile: Script Supervisor, TV video.

It was interesting to see someone in the television industry do a job that I will be doing for the live show.

From what I have learnt about Sally's her job role, she hands out the running order, scripts and camera cards. Her main role is to make sure the show runs to time. She also sits in between the producer and the director in the gallery.