After doing some research I decided to include, 'Alice in Wonderland', 'The Ugly Duckling' and 'Little Red Riding Hood' within my anti-bullying video.
I found that these three stories would work one after each other, to follow the 'victims' day at school.
For example, Lola, the victim would go to class, which would be the ugly duckling story, then it would be break, where we follow Little Red Riding Hood's story and then to lunch, to Alice in Wonderland's story.
The whole point of using fairytales, was to show the bullying, between the bully's and the victims from a fairytale characters point of view. So when the main character enters the scene she would be her modern character and then once the bullies enter the room/ start on her we would then see the main character as one of the fairytale leads.
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