They explained to us about 'Take Me Out' and what work experiences were available for the next week or so. At the end of the meeting I went up to them offering to help be a stand in whenever the opportunity starts.
The next day me and Sei-Kai received an email from Simon asking if we was able to make it to the studios that afternoon. I was so happy and nervous at the same time, it had not even been 24hrs since we had the meeting and we got asked to help.
Me and a few others in the class were asked to be stand ins, this meant that we had to pretend to be one of the girls behind the buzzers and help out on the boys rehearsal. In the boys rehearsal Paddy McGuinness the presenter of 'Take Me Out' rehearsed as well. It was great to see rehearsal face to face. Paddy was funny in rehearsals.
I met so many lovely crew members from the set and I was surprised on how they didn't mind talking about their jobs.
After the first day, when I walked in I felt part of the crew.
After speaking to some people it has made me realise that there are so many jobs that I didn't know about that you could do. One of the things I really wanted to do even though it would have probably been a no, was to sit and watch the producers and see what they did as thats one of the paths I wouldn't mind going towards.
Here are a couple of people I met on set.
Mark - Floor manager
Nick and Sarah - Assistant Floor managers
Hannah and Louis - Casting producers
Adam Searle - Head rigger
Toby Tee - Rigger
Martin - Lightning technician
Pete - Automation programmer automater (controlled the 'love lift')
Paul Brice - Sound operator
Freya Taylor - Art department
Paul Birchard - Crane technician
James - Set builder
Hayley - Camera woman
Mark barratt - Cameraman
Here's a schedule for one of the day's at the studios for the crew
Paul the sound guy was able to give me a Sei-Kai a copy of a cameraman's shot list. It was interesting to see a list that is actually used in production to film. The cameramen also explained what to do for each section.
While me a Sei-Kai were nosing around we met Archie Tigere, a producer, who is going to produce Take me out in South Africa. He was telling us that when they have finished filming Take me out at the end of this week that he will be taking the set pieces with him to South Africa to use over there.
On my fourth day at the studios I was finally picked TWICE to be at the bottom two. I lost both rounds, the first round with a really bad answer and the the second time round I couldn't think of an answer quick enough so they moved onto the next person. Even though I wasn't quick witted enough I did have a laugh, just a bit gutted that I didn't have a chance to go to Fernando's. It made me think if the girl's get the questions beforehand so that they have a chance to get a good answer or if they are put on the spot like we were. Either way it is really hard to think of a really good answer.
I was able to get four days work experience, I was going to continue until the production had finished, but after speaking to Simon during the week I realised that I had to put my studies first and focus on an essay that was due to be handed in soon. I was so grateful to at least get four days to help out.
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