Thursday 5 December 2013

Directions Unit - Intro

On Monday we was given our new unit which was Directions.
I'm kind of excited about going into detail about what directors do except for the obvious, directing orders. Directing is definitely something that was in my second and third choice in this industry.

The one that stood out to me the most was 'Loneliness'.
As soon we was given the script I read the first page and definitely thought I could adapt it to loneliness. The only thing with loneliness is that it is quite similar to sorrow so this is definitely going to be a challenge.

The other two tasks we are asked to do for this unit is choose an image from... and use sound to create a story. I've kind of done something like this in college but that was a sound story. I've picked an image and i've roughly got an idea on how i'm going to tell a story. For our 4 min dramatic film we have to hand in a director's statement. This is a written document where we note down production design, performance, style, tone, etc of our video.

I'm actually really looking forward to get into this unit and I have already planned out one of my main characters and have asked people from my class to help out with my filming. This time round i'm going to try and be more prepared.

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