Friday 20 December 2013

Directions Unit - Crew

From doing last units project I learned that I needed to have more people on set to help me, so when it came to doing this unit and project getting a crew was one of my top priorities. With this unit my task is to direct a short film and I wanted to make that my main priority, instead of worrying about filming and checking the sound at the same time.

I asked a couple of people from from class to help out with my filming, they all gladly said that they would help out. I asked Helen, Roxanne, Sophie and Ren. I felt that I didn't need to ask anyone else as there weren't many other jobs to do.

My Crew:

Me - Director
Helen - Camera woman
Roxanne - Sound
Sophie - Sound Assistant
Ren - My Assistant (to help with scenes, props, etc.)

I'm glad i've got more people helping out this time, I definitely think I will be able to get filming done better and quicker. I'm happy that i'm working with other people in my class and can't wait to get started on this project!!

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