Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Critical Reflection

Unfortunately due to time and having only a couple of days to edit, we weren't able to complete our documentary in time for the deadline. We handed our project in without most of the commentary, however, Charlie was able to finish editing the commentary and we now have our completed documentary on YouTube. The main reason for not completing our project on time was due to the interview arrangements, it was hard times and dates due to their busy schedules.

On the day of our rough cut deadline, due to not being in, Sophie then had to start editing the footage from the beginning. That day we also typed up all of our other transcripts and highlighted what parts we thought would work in the documentary. While I was editing a transcript Sophie would edit the footage we needed from each interview. I feel that if me and Sophie didn't take over the editing process, that half of the documentary wouldn't have been completed.

There were quite a few disagreements within our group. I felt at times this project wasn't a team effort as individual preferences were added instead of what we had all discussed together.

In this project I was the producer and director as I contacted the charity, got a case study and contacted the church for permission for filming. I also did most of the paperwork and scheduled what days and times the interviews took place. I also offered and took out the camera equipment on multiple occasions, even though it wasn't in my job description. On the last week before handing in the project I stayed at the studios until late as well as going to the Rochester campus on the weekend before.

Overall I am quite happy with our documentary, even though there were parts that I would have changed, such as lack of cutaways that related to her story i.e. there was a man playing a guitar, when Louise was talking about a weekend away, where she went and done activities. Personally I would have liked to instead have a picture of Louise doing the activities or even pictures of the other children from the charity doing the activities.

Even though I liked the ending to our documentary I would have preferred it if the main case study Louise met up with her old mentor Holly, as I felt that would have concluded the story perfectly. Originally I tried to make this happen and contacted both Louise and Holly over periods of weeks to meet up at the same time, but due to both work schedules being busy it became very hard. At one point both Holly and Louise were free, but due to Holly's daughter being ill, the filming of the meeting was then cancelled. I did really like the music choice, that Charlie had chosen for the beginning and the ending, I feel that it went along with the tone of the story.

In the future I hope to get a more cutaways, that have a relation to the story. Also to plan and be more organised so that I am able to complete a project in time for the deadline.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Script 3 - Final

We completed our script by adding in the final commentary pieces as well as the interview that we thought worked best together.

We showed this to our tutor Helen and she said that we had to change the wording on some of the commentary. Here's the final script.

Consent Forms

Here are the consent forms signed by the people who were interviewed as well as people who have been filmed, just in case we use their footage.

Holly - Louise's Mentor from the Young Lives Foundation

Stephen - The co-founder of the Young Lives Foundation

Lucy - She was filmed being 'mentored' by Holly for an actuality shot

For music we don't need to fill out any consent forms or applications as we have decided to use royalty free music.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Stephen's Transcript - What we used

The last interview we need to incorporate in the script, was Stephen's interview. I decided that the main parts to take out and use would of hime talking about Louise's progress as well as talking about the Young Lives Foundation charity.
The parts highlighted are what I decided that should put into the script.

Holly's Transcript - What we used

After going through what parts we was gong to use from Louise's transcript, I then went through Holly's interview to see of there were any parts that I could put into the script.
The parts highlighted is what we have decided to add to the script so far.

Film Shoot 4 - Holly's Interview

One interview we wanted to include in our documentary was Holly, who was Louise's mentor when she was at the Young Lives Foundation.

We contacted Holly before the Easter holidays and didn't get a reply until a week before our deadline. What also didn't help was that Holly works only part time, due to having a child, which made it even difficult to decide on a day to interview her.

We was able to get into contact with Holly, and find a day to interview her.

When it came to the day of her interview everything became very rushed. In the morning we had to film Holly and we only had an hour to get the interview and cutaways done, due to handing in an essay between 11am and 12pm.

It didn't start off well due to Holly being stuck in traffic on the way to the YLF headquarters, however we was able to set up quickly and get on with the interview which lasted about 10 minutes.

Where Holly was positioned for the interview, the lighting became very difficult to work with as one minute the sun was out and then the next minute it was gone. So during the interview when Charlie was filming, whenever the lighting would get bright Charlie would change the exposure levels down and then back up when needed.

After filming Holly's interview, we handed our essay in and then I met up with Sophie to film some cutaway shots at Rainham. We decided to go to the Rainham high-street to get basic shots of people walking, monuments, flowers, etc.

When it came to viewing the footage of Holly's interview, the change of the lighting was very noticeable and also parts when Holly was speaking and where Charlie was changing the exposure at the same time, you could hear the sound of him turning the knob.

Also in the bigger frame shot we got of Holly, right in the corner we could see a bit of the camera wire that got in the way. Luckily as it is quite close to the edge of the screen we might be able to crop it out, if we needed to use any of those shots.

In the future I will definitely make sure no equipment is in the shot. Also to make sure we sort the lighting out, by either shutting the blinds and using the main light if needed, before we started to film.

Case Study - Louise's Story

This is Louise's story that we received from the YLF.

This story sent front eh YLF, was only part of what happened to Louise, however when we met up with Louise, we was able to get more details about her story, i.e. why she went into hospital, etc.

Louise, from Maidstone, was 17 and had been in foster care since the age of 11. She had moved into supported accommodation soon after her 17th birthday to prepare her for living independently.
She struggled with this. She said, “One thing hit me hard; responsibility. I was totally dependent and responsible for myself. It was scary!”
Due to the big adjustments she needed to make to her life, Louise attempted to take her own life on three separate occasions and was admitted to hospital.
Whilst in hospital she contacted YLF and as we had supported her previously, she felt she could do this.
She asked if someone could come to see her, as she had not had any family or friends visit her. So we did.
On release from hospital, Louise was informed by her social worker to register for housing as her supported accommodation now deemed her ‘too high risk’ to accommodate.
Louise met a duty social worker at the housing dept and was told there was no accommodation.
She was therefore homeless. She was given a bed and breakfast room until accommodation could be found.
YLF offered Louise the opportunity to go away on an overnight weekend trip with a group of other youngsters to take part in positive activities. That weekend we were hoping that Louise would get a boost in confidence, the chance to have fun and give her a break from the pressures of the difficulties she was currently facing in life.
After the trip, YLF also allocated a mentor to work with Louise and support her with her accommodation application and the on-going transition to independence.  Her mentor would also act as an advocate for Louise to ensure her rights were being considered and her welfare given priority.  Our mentor supported Louise to find new accommodation and helped her furnish and decorate, learn how to budget and gave her someone to talk to and to listen to her.
Although this was a difficult time, Louise managed the transition and now lives independently and is working as a carer having studied for a childcare qualification.
She says “I didn’t think for 1 minute I would have come this far but, with the support of my wonderful mentor, and my drive to have a good life, I am getting there!”

Filming Shoot 3 - Church Interview

After noticing that the Church was a major part that recurred in Louise's story I looked into if we could get some shots or even an interview with Louise in the Church to get a reaction on what it feels like to come back.

When I spoke to Louise she mentioned that the church she used to go to in Maidstone (where she became a Christian) was St Luke's.

As it was close to everyone we contacted Louise to see if she could come and film some shots at the church. When Louise confirmed a time that she was free, I was straight on the phone to the church. I spoke to Reverend Chris Key, who has recently took over, to see it was possible to film. He was happy enough to let us, as long as we told him a rough time scale on how long we would be there for.

Even though Charlie arrived a bit late, we was able to get the interview done within our two hour slot. We also got a variety of different shots around the church, including, the alter, the stained glass windows, a pan of the whole room as well as close up of posters and banners that were around.

One shot we didn't get was of Louise looking around the church. Even though we didn't get this shot, I think we have more than enough cutaways that we could use.

Script Draft 2

After looking at our first Script draft our group definitely thought that we had to add more detailed information.

After meeting up with the Young Lives Foundation, we discovered that it would not be impossible to film   one of our case studies, Aaron, due to him being under 18.

Luckily as our other case study, Louise was over 18, she was able to give her own consent and agreed to be part of our documentary.

We first took out the key points we wanted to add from Louise's story and put them in, but after that we couldn't decide on where to put Holly's and Stephen's interview in.

While me and Sophie were struggling, Roxanne and Aimee helped to us go through the script to see how Louise's story could be structured by adding where Stephen and Holly's interviews could go.

They showed us some notes that our tutor Helen, gave to them to help with their structure and because they were doing their documentary on a charity as well they were happy to us out. They gave us the notes they used to see if this would help us at all.

Here is what we ended up with.

As we had already written out transcripts from our interviews, it made it easier to look through Holly's and Stephen's interview on what they could talk about. We were able to find the places within the script, so that the documentary wasn't all just focused on Louise.

Me and Sophie haven't completed the commentary, however in the places we knew there would be commentary we put points so that we know what we would have to write/talk about.

We are still in the process of getting enough cutaways to fill in between commentary and the interviews.

Call Sheets

These are the call sheets for the interviews we had with the YLF team and Louise.

Stephen's Call Sheet

Holly's Call Sheet

Louise's Call Sheet

Church Interview with Louise Call Sheet

Filming Shoot 2 - Stephen's Interview

The day before we planned to interview Stephen, we had recorded Louise's interview and because I booked the camera out, I brought it back home to download Louise's footage onto my laptop. There were a few problems with downloading Louise's interview onto my laptop. So when it came to the day of filming Stephen's interview we then had to cancel, as there was no space left on the memory for Stephen's interview. The only time Stephen was free was a week later.

When it came to interviewing Stephen the second time I made sure that I had gone to the studios to take off previous filming we had done so that we had enough space for his interview.

As we was getting closer to our deadline, and only had a couple of weeks to complete our film, Charlie went to the studios to edit some of Louise's footage, while me and Sophie went to the Young Lives Foundation in Maidstone to film.

When we met the foundation the first time, we discussed on possible filming areas for Stephen's interview, so we booked ahead a meeting room.

Me and Sophie planned that we got the closer shots of Stephen and then after asking a couple of questions zoom out so that we had a variety of shots to choose from.

Here is a photo of the set up for Stephen's interview.

When we framed Stephen's shot we discovered that the lighting was very poor as only one side of him was lit, due to him being positioned near a window. So we tried to see if it would make a difference by using the main light, but when we looked on the camera the lighting came across yellow. So instead we didn't use the main light and used a tall lamp behind the camera to act as a back light, to even out the lighting. This worked much better, the lighting appeared brighter without having a yellow casting.

Here is a photo of how we used the the lamp.

Halfway through filming we started filming our closer shot of Stephen, but where he was so fidgety by the time we had finished asking the questions he had moved out of shot. Luckily we checked that shot over and was able to re-film it.

After that we the rest of the interview was very successful. We got some actuality shots of Stephen working on the computer, i.e. close up of typing, screen of computer, mid-shot of him on the computer, close up of eyes, etc. We also got a variety of shots of posters and drawings around the room.

Overall even though we had some problems we were able to solve them. In the future I will definitely download the footage off the camera straight away, to avoid download problems and interferences with other footage.

Louise's Transcript - What we used

After writing our the transcript I went through to see what the key events that happened throughout Louise's story. Highlighted is what we have put into our script and have used towards the documentary.

There were certain parts in Louise's story that we didn't think was right for her to talk about instead with some of the parts we incorporated them within the commentary so that the documentary flowed better.

Filming Schedule

After filming Louise's interview the week before, we decided to see if we could interview the other people we needed as soon as so that we would have time to edit our documentary.
Here is the schedule I wrote up after we received confirmation from the other interviewees.

After I had wrote this up, our group definitely had a better idea on how long we would have to edit and get extra cutaways. It also helped us plan on how we would set out the interview, what questions to ask and also what type of actuality and sequencing shots we would need.

Script Draft 1

When we first wrote a script out me, Sophie and Charlie struggled to write up a script at first, as it was very different to writing a film script.

This is just a base outline of what we wanted at the start of our documentary project.
We originally wanted two case studies in our film as well as interviews with a mentor and the co-founder of the charity. We had already decided that we would use royal free music rather than having composer as we thought not much music would be needed for the stories were trying to tell.

We definitely need to add a lot more to our script and are hoping to get a better idea of what we can use within the charity, i.e. will we be able to get permission to film Aaron telling his story, etc.

Holly Interview Transcript

This is the transcript for Holly's interview that I typed up.

Church Interview Transcript

I typed up the transcript for the Church interview we did with Louise.

Stephen Interview Transcript

This is Stephen's transcript that Sophie typed up.

Louise Interview Transcript

This is the transcript from Louise's interview that I typed up.

Interview Questions for Documentary

These are the questions we used for each other interviews.

Louise's Interview Questions

- Tell us a bit about yourself
- Tells us your story from when you first went into care until now
- Do you still see your mum?
- DO you still see the YLF team?
- Would you say your a hero?
- Is the charity a hero to you?
- Tell us about recent events that you have done for the YLF
- Tell us more about Stephen and the Young Lives Foundation

Stephen's Interview Questions

- Tell us about the YLF charity
- What is the new directions mentoring programme?
- What did you do before the charity?
- When did you meet Louise?
- Would you say this charity is a hero to many children?
- How has Louise developed since being involved with the programme?
- What is your favourite part of your job?
- Would you consider yourself a hero?
- Would you consider the charity a hero?
- Would you consider Louise a hero?

Holly's Interview Questions

- Why did you become a mentor?
- What happens in a mentoring session/group?
- How has Louise changed?
- Is this job voluntary?
- What did you do before the YLF?
- Would you consider yourself a hero?
- Would you consider the charity a hero?
- How has Louise progressed until today
- Do you still meet up with Louise even though she has finished the programme?

Church Interview Questions

- Tell us your story from when you started to go to church
- How does it feel to come back?
- Compare how different it is from your first day here to today?

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Editing Workshop

We had a special guest speaker at our uni. John Ramsden is an editor for the BBC.
After we had a lecture from him we was given a task, where we was given a script and had to combine sentences and make it sound as if it was already one sentence.

Here is my finished video.

I thought this task would be easy, but actually it is hard, because when you finally find a word to add in it had a different tone to the sentence its supposed to flow into. After I finished the sound task, I added some cutaways over the jumps in between the interview.

Overall it gave me a rough idea on what I will be doing for editing.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Filming Shoot 1 - Louise's Interview

One of our first interviews we was able to get was with Louise our case study for the documentary.
We originally was hopping to feel all of our interviews during the easter holidays but due to lack of replies on available times, however we was able to film Louise on the second week of our Easter Holidays.

Me, Charlie and Sophie went to Louise's house to film this.

The interview started off bad as there was still clips left on the camera, from the previous users, because i did not checking the camera and delete the clips the night before. So during the first interview with Louise we had to delete all the clips from the camera including her interview, due to the camera not allowing us to delete the individual clips. To sort this problem out Charlie re-formatted the memory card so that it would clear the previous clips off, however it did mean that we had to do the interview all over again. After getting into the second interview the battery ran out of charge, so we had to stop and plug it in.

We got Louise to tell her story from the beginning (when she went into care) to today and how she has ended up. We then asked her other questions such as, who Stephen was, tell us about the young lives foundation, etc. so that we had extra information on certain areas of her life.

Even though we had these problems to start off with, after we sorted out the battery and memory card problem we was then able to film the rest of the interview and also get some cutaway shots from around her room.

Canterbury Workshop

Our class was given a chance to go down to the Canterbury Cathedral to see the process on how they were re-building a window for the cathedral.

As Canterbury Cathedral was one of our options to do our documentary on, we thought it would be good to get a look of what our possible project could be done on.

Unfortunately the day we arrived we weren't allowed in/around much of the cathedral due to there being a wedding, however Helen, our tutor, arranged for us to go to where people are carving wall pieces for the cathedral.

When we got there we was given a tour of what happens and the process they go through with completing stone pieces, as well as health and safety of the area.

We were told to get into groups and film what the people are doing.
I teamed up with Aquila and Aimee.

We filled out a risk assessment before filming and made sure we had consent forms on hand, for people who wouldn't mind filmed.

We was able to get a variety of interesting shots and film one of the workers carving designs into stone.

I feel that we got a variety of shots.

We started with outside ones, for cutaways such as close ups of different stones, ones from the cathedral and new stone they use to carve into and also shots of the building itself for an establishing shot. We then went inside to film some workers carving stone as well as how they transported the stone to the workers and around the workshop.

Overall i'm happy with what we filmed and feel that we got some very good close ups that we used in our video. Aimee edited our video for this workshop, here is our finished video.

Sound workshop

In our Sound Workshop we was given at a task to go and film and edit a small interview to show what you know about sound as well as trying out different ways of getting sound clear and crisp without being in shot.

I teamed up with Aimee, Sophie and Roxanne.

Roxanne was the interviewer, Aimee was the interviewee, Sophie was the boom operator and I was the cameraman.

We decided that we could do a scene where the interviewee was making a cup of coffee, while being interviewed. We decided for sound that we would put a clip mic on the side under a tea towel where the kettle and drink making was, so that we could hear Aimee clearly. We did this because Aimee would be moving around you so if Aimee moved around you would then be able to hear the ruffle of her hair as well as her clothing. To make sure we could hear Roxanne's questions we decided to use a boom pole under where she was standing, out of the shot.

Here is a video of the task we did in the Sound Workshop.

Overall we got clear sound from the clip mic, as it was quite close to Aimee. However the boom sound didn't turn out as good because it was quite far away from Roxanne. Also we only focused on the sound of the interview and not on the shot. The shot was not framed nicely as there was empty space around Roxanne and Aimee, and the lighting was very poor.

Next time I would use the clip mic method again, as it was quite handy to put it on the side somewhere, especially if the person your interviewing is moving around on one side quite a lot as well as speaking. Also I would make sure the shot is nicely framed and lighted instead on just focusing on one thing.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Reflection On Documentary - Group

Me, Charlie and Sophie sat down and spoke about what our documentary is actually going to be based on. At first we thought we would focus on crime because we thought that the children who went to this charity had helped children with this. After researching into the Charity a bit more we then decided to focus it on troubled children, as we felt that this broadened the audience a bit more.

After having a discussion with our tutor Helen, we now know that we will be focusing on Louise's story and how the mentoring program helped her. Also we thought we would include Holly, Louise's mentor from the charity and talk about her story as she is seen as Louise's hero.