Sunday 11 May 2014

Filming Shoot 3 - Church Interview

After noticing that the Church was a major part that recurred in Louise's story I looked into if we could get some shots or even an interview with Louise in the Church to get a reaction on what it feels like to come back.

When I spoke to Louise she mentioned that the church she used to go to in Maidstone (where she became a Christian) was St Luke's.

As it was close to everyone we contacted Louise to see if she could come and film some shots at the church. When Louise confirmed a time that she was free, I was straight on the phone to the church. I spoke to Reverend Chris Key, who has recently took over, to see it was possible to film. He was happy enough to let us, as long as we told him a rough time scale on how long we would be there for.

Even though Charlie arrived a bit late, we was able to get the interview done within our two hour slot. We also got a variety of different shots around the church, including, the alter, the stained glass windows, a pan of the whole room as well as close up of posters and banners that were around.

One shot we didn't get was of Louise looking around the church. Even though we didn't get this shot, I think we have more than enough cutaways that we could use.

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