Sunday 11 May 2014

Interview Questions for Documentary

These are the questions we used for each other interviews.

Louise's Interview Questions

- Tell us a bit about yourself
- Tells us your story from when you first went into care until now
- Do you still see your mum?
- DO you still see the YLF team?
- Would you say your a hero?
- Is the charity a hero to you?
- Tell us about recent events that you have done for the YLF
- Tell us more about Stephen and the Young Lives Foundation

Stephen's Interview Questions

- Tell us about the YLF charity
- What is the new directions mentoring programme?
- What did you do before the charity?
- When did you meet Louise?
- Would you say this charity is a hero to many children?
- How has Louise developed since being involved with the programme?
- What is your favourite part of your job?
- Would you consider yourself a hero?
- Would you consider the charity a hero?
- Would you consider Louise a hero?

Holly's Interview Questions

- Why did you become a mentor?
- What happens in a mentoring session/group?
- How has Louise changed?
- Is this job voluntary?
- What did you do before the YLF?
- Would you consider yourself a hero?
- Would you consider the charity a hero?
- How has Louise progressed until today
- Do you still meet up with Louise even though she has finished the programme?

Church Interview Questions

- Tell us your story from when you started to go to church
- How does it feel to come back?
- Compare how different it is from your first day here to today?

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