Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Major Project: Pre-Writing - Story Inspiration

When I first decided to take the route of writing a script for my major project I had in mind to write a story based on the horror genre, however as time went on I couldn't come up with a story that would fit that particular style and theme. On an off chance I went to my grandparents upset on where I was at with university and my nan decided to cheer me up by telling me stories of what happened to her when she was younger.

A boy she was dating decided to go away to go travelling to America, and that she cried and cried, begging him not to go and then asking if she could go with him. Anyway a year or so later he came back to the village to come back for my Nan. My Nan at the time was there visiting her parents, as she left the country and met someone who she married and had children with. My Nan was so furious to see him that she threw a wine bottle at his head – luckily not knocking him out, but enough for him to leave.

She described the story in such a comical way that I remember being in stitches at the result. After my pervious projects fell through I started to think about a simple story that I could do and this story came back to me. It felt right for me to write a story lightly basing it on my nan, but also setting it back in the 1960 around the time when she was younger. I felt that by changing the time period and location, that it would tell a different story on someone else perspective and lifestyle in that era.

By setting it in the 1960's it would also make it easier for me to gather research material as I had my nans first hand experience in that time to correct me on what would have or wouldn't have happened. I will also be doing separate research on the 1960's, such as looking at other film scripts set in that time, as it will also expand my knowledge on the era as well as possible ideas for scenes in the film.

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