Sunday 5 October 2014

Digital News Introduction

One of our new projects this term is Digital News.
For this project we have to get into groups and create our own digital online news channel.
Within this online channel we have to include 1 news package and 1 live report.

A news package is a pre-recorded story that is shown after a live introduction from the news anchor. We have 2 - 2:30 minutes for this package story.
The live report is where we will have a reporter and film him/her live for a duration of 2 mins on location.

I grouped up with Sei-Kai, Tim and Illy. I haven't worked with any of these students before and am quite excited to learn what their strengths are and what ideas they will bring to this project. We all have a different out look on stories which I think will make this news channel very interesting.

We all sat down for our first meeting and discussed what type of news channel we should have, i.e. is it going to be a nature, community or student channel, etc.

Sei-Kai wrote up our meeting minutes. Here is the document of the meeting.

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