Sunday 12 October 2014

Fiction Adaption: Siegfried Sassoon

I decided to look into the poet of the poem I chose to see if it would help with inspiration for my film.
Here are some key points that I found out about him:

- Siegfried Sassoon was one of the leading poets of WW1

- He was born in Kent on 6th September 1886

- Sassoon was in the First World War and was brought to the front line many times

- Sassoon was known for his reckless bravery and was given the nickname 'Mad Jack' for his near-suicidal exploits

- He was friends with fellow leading poets Robert Graves and Wilfred Owen, whom he greatly influenced

- After the war he continued to write both prose and poetry

- He wrote 146 poems

- His best known poem is 'Suicide in the Trenches'

- He died on 1st September 1967

- In his lifetime he was a soldier, poet, diarist, memoirist and a journalist.

After learning more about Sassoon, I understood why he wrote so many poems about WW1. It must have been a horrifying to be put on the front line many times. It was if his way to cope with his experience in war was to write poems about it.

My next step is to research into the background of the poem.

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