Tuesday 21 April 2015

Professional Practice: New Location and Script

I decided that for my new location I wanted it to be in a park area, this was because I needed an area that was quite big, but also where children would 'hang out'. I thought about previous locations that I had used and decided to contact the Allington Cumminuty Association on whether I could film in the field next to the building. I had used them before for my fiction adaptation video, so I was sure that I was going to get permission again.

After emailing the secretary of the chairman of ACA, he agreed to give me permission to use the field.

Now I had my location and actors I now had to create a new script, with a modern storyline.

Here is my new script.

This script is much shorter and simple, however I am happy with it. I feel that the last script I had for my first idea was too complicated and am very glad that I changed my idea.

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