Thursday 7 January 2016

Pre-Production: Costume and Meeting with Dani

For costume we wanted to try and get some students to help create some designs for our films. Sei-Kai contacted UCA Rochester, however after not getting a response I decided to contact a variety of different universities/colleges.

Here are some universities I contacted:
  • University of Kent
  • Canterbury Christ Church
  • London College of Fashion
  • University of East London
  • West London College
  • Fashion Retail Academy
I got a reply back from the University of Kent and Canterbury Christ Church, however these universities don't have any fashion courses. Unfortunately I didn't get a reply back from the other universities and decided to get into contact with someone I had previously worked with to see if they knew anyone who could design costume. We got a reply from Danielle Baylis, a seamstress and she was more than happy to help with our project.

We went round to her house in Rochester and I brought some mood boards on examples of how I would like the characters to look. There were only a couple of characters where costume would need to be made/designed and that was the Nymph from 'Protecting Nature', Jackson and Scarlett's from 'The Devourers' and the warlock from 'The Curse of Beauty'.

Here are the mood boards I created for Dani:

Nymph costume mood board 1

Nymph costume mood board 2

Nymph costume colour chart

Warlock costume mood board

Jackson and Scarlett costume mood board

Overall Dani came up with some great ideas, and our next stage will be to meet her in a couple of weeks and see what designs she has come up with.

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