Thursday 7 January 2016

Pre-Production: Nymph Research

What are Nymphs?

(Water Nymphs by Henrietta Rae, 1909)

Nymphs are often associated with Greek mythology; they are female spirits of nature. They are seen as the minor goddesses of the forests, rivers, springs, meadows, mountains and seas. They are known to be responsible for the crafting of nature, from the growth of plants, flowers and trees to the nurture of wild birds and animals, to the formation of rocky caverns, springs, wetlands and brooks.

There are many different nymphs that look after particular locations or areas. Here are the names of the different nymphs and their particular responsibilities.

  • Acheloids - River Achelous
  • Alseids - Groves
  • Dryads - Forests
  • Hamadryads - Trees
  • Hydriads - Water
  • Leimoniads - Meadows
  • Meliads - Ash Trees
  • Naiads - Springs and Rivers
  • Napaea - Valleys
  • Nereid - The Mediterranean
  • Oceanids - The Sea  
  • Oreads - The Mountains
Why did we pick a dryad?

Out of all the different nymphs the dryad was the easiest one we would be able to successfully film, as it is easy to get permission to film in a forest/open area with trees. I also had a lot more storyline ideas with this particular nymph, which would make it easier for me, when writing the script.

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