Tuesday 20 January 2015

Professional Practice: Pauline Quirke Academy

For this unit we can either choose to do a work placement, commission for a company or write a case study.

Work Placement

wok placement for about 3-4 weeks within a media related company, or a media related production.


Professional project (video) for an external commissioner.

Professional Case Study

Research into a professional that you are interested in and examine their work. Relate this to your own experience so far.

Out of the options I would prefer to do either a work placement or commission.

We had a presentation with Laura and she showed us places that were looking for people to do either a work placement or commission video for them. One option that stood out for me was a commission and that was to do a commission video for the 'Pauline Quirke Academy.'

For this commission we have to work alongside the academy and it's students and produce a mini film on any topic.

Suggested topics could be:

- Bullying and how it effects young people
- Film about the PQA and it's students
- Film a documentary piece about the PQA events/productions

I have a couple ideas on what I could do already.

I am now going to research more about the academy.

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