Thursday, 31 October 2013

Storytelling Unit - Casting and Crew


As i'm only doing the first two minutes of the script I only need a couple of people.

Young Boy (around 12) -

The only boys I know that are 12 are my brother and my cousin.

I was able to speak to my brother, being my first choice and he agreed on playing the part as the boy.

Extra -

The other person I needed was someone that could just wash up (so you can hear them in the background). There are no speaking parts for this person so anyone could do this part. As i'll be filming at my house my mum offered to do this.

Player 1 and Player 2 -

This characters voice is only heard on the other side of the headphones. I was able to find out that he plays with my cousins on his xbox. I was able to ask them if they could say a sentence each to contribute to my story and they said yes.


Except from myself, Helen gladly offered to help with my project.

I will be operating the camera and Helen will be helping out with the sound.

I'm glad that there's someone else there to help me especially with filming. You definitely need more than one person, otherwise it would take much longer to do

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