Friday 22 November 2013

Storytelling Unit - Cast

In my script there were a couple of people that I needed for the first two pages I was filming.
The two main people I needed was a young boy called Luke and a middle-aged woman to play Luke's mum, Lorraine. There were two other small roles needed for the second page of boys voices to add to the shot where Luke is playing on his xbox. This part is going to be played by my two cousins. Luckily I was able to ask family members to help out with playing these roles. My younger brother, Jake was to play Luke and my mum to be Lorraine.

Here are the photos of my actors.

Role: Luke
Main character

Role: Lorraine, Luke's mum

I was lucky enough for my brother and mum to agree to this, but I have found out by using family members in your projects that it isn't always a good path to use more than once. After doing this I have decided to not use family members as a first choice.

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