Thursday 14 November 2013

Storytelling Unit - Filming progress

I was able to look through my footage and edit the first two minutes of my film. I filmed the first two pages of my script and ended up using the footage from my first page. I put the shots in order and looked through them to see if I needed to re-do any shots.
There were about five shots that were either out of focus, had something in the frame, I.e. A tripod and just wasn't in frame. Luckily I was organised and planned out my filming, as it gave me a chance to re-film if I needed to. I was able to get her camera out again within the week to re-shoot.
Being able to critique my own work wasn't hard, as I'm normally quite critical on getting my work right until I'm ok with it.

Second Production Schedule

Friday 8th November
- Pick up camera

Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th November
- Film the shots I need
- And extra shots

Monday 11th November
- Bring back camera

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