'The focal easy guide to Final Cur Pro X' tells you about where everything is in the new FCP. It also has seven very helpful chapters on importing media, editing, effects. audio, etc. I used this book or help on effects as that was the main area I was unsure about. I love how this book gives you picture diagrams as well as written information, which I found very helpful as i'm more of a visual person. There was a section in this book which helped me understand one of the points Mark was showing us in the FCP workshop on key framing.
The other book I got out was 'Film directing shot by shot: visualising from concept to screen'. I got this book out because I had to re-do some shots and I thought maybe this will help towards sorting my shots out instead of continuously taking the camera out. This was another great book, there was a page that shots where the different shots are on a body which I found very helpful.
Both of these books were extremely helpful for this project and will definitely use them again in the future.
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