Monday, 25 November 2013

Storytelling Unit - Editing notes

Editing is a difficult thing for me as I don't really like doing it. From previous projects I've done my videos have ended up looking crap. I guess that was because I haven't really had much experience in editing, so maybe my views will change when doing more projects for my course.

During editing my 2 min intro I was able to look through the effects, luckily there was a black and white. When I dragged this onto my shots it looked too bright for black and white, so I went onto inspector and at the bottom there's composition. On the drop down list I chose darken as it was the effect I wanted to add to my footage. I only darkened my videos a little bit as I didn't want them to look gritty as well as not being able to see the actors face. Composition helped me a lot with my footage and I'm glad I learnt that from the Final Cut Pro workshop I had with Mark.


I dragged the colour effect onto
the clip I wanted to change the
colour of.


I didn't have a lot of time with my production title, I wasn't able to use Adobe After Effects to make a cool intro. My production company is called 'Daisy Production' and I remembered that the background of my blog there are Daisy's in black and white. I was able to find the picture online again on what I used and imported it onto FCP. Even though my production title doesn't do anything cool, I'm happy that at least it has a pretty background.

I dragged the image I wanted under my text, which helped keep the writing on top of the background.

The picture wasn't big enough for the screen, so I had to 
stretch it out a little using the transform button.

The finished picture background.

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