Saturday 22 November 2014

Fiction Adaptation: Auditions

This Wednesday I had auditions for the male lead for my fiction adaptation.
I had posted up castings on 'StarNow' and 'Castingcallpro', and from these websites I got quite a few responses for this role.

I booked out the board room/lecture room 1 for my auditions so that I had my auditions separately from where the base room is.

When it came to the day of having my auditions most of the people that applied couldn't make it to the studios.

So I only had one actor turn up.

Consent form

The auditions went really well even though only one guy turned up. The ones who couldn't make it, I gave the option of sending in a video audition, however none of them ended up getting back to me.
I have already decided who I am going to have to play the lead male role, however I still need someone to play the 'Hooded Stranger'. If I can't find anyone I will use someone from uni to do the role, as you don't really see the face of this character.

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