Saturday 15 November 2014

Filming Week 1 - Digital News Project

So far in our first week of filming we have been able to film our studio pieces with our news anchor and our live news piece with the 'Knitting for Charity' group.

We were supposed to film an interview with Mike Whiting, Head of Swale Council, however at last minute he cancelled due to his mum being rushed into hospital.

At the moment we are waiting for a response on when he will be able to film the interview again. As this interview has been pushed back we decided that we would start planning for our shoot on Monday, where we have an interview with the museum trust for our package.

Luckily we have our live news piece filmed, so all we have to do now is focus on our news package about the museum. Due to having an interview pushed back, we are now behind unless we are able  to interview Mike Whiting during filming week 2.

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